Kebakaran klub malam Colectiv adalah sebuah kebakaran mematikan di Bucharest Rumania pada 30 Oktober 2015 yang menewaskan 64 orang 6 7 8 26 di tempat 38 di rumah sakit 9 dan melukai 147 orang 10 11 12 13 Kebakaran tersebut insiden terburuk di Rumania sejak kecelakaan pesawat Balotești 14 terjadi pada saat sebuah konser gratis yang ditampilkan oleh band metalcore Goodbye to Gravity 15 untuk merayakan perilisan album baru mereka Mantras of War 16 17 Kebakaran klub malam ColectivTanggalJumat 30 Oktober 2015 2015 10 30 Waktu22 32 22 33 EET Durasi1 menit dan 9 detik 1 TempatClub ColectivLokasiJalan Tăbăcarilor7 Sector 4 Bucharest Rumania 2 Koordinat44 25 16 6 N 26 6 28 1 E 44 421278 N 26 107806 E 44 421278 26 107806 Koordinat 44 25 16 6 N 26 6 28 1 E 44 421278 N 26 107806 E 44 421278 26 107806Nama lainTragedi Klub ColectivJenisKebakaran insiden berdesak desakanPenyebabTerabaikannya foam akustik oleh penggunaan kembang apiPeserta Pihak terlibat300 500Tewas64 3 Cedera147 109 dibawa ke rumah sakit Kerugian harta bendaBagian dalam klub hancurTersangka3 pemilik klub 2 karyawan ISU Mayor Cristian Popescu Piedone dan 2 fungsionaris dari Balai Kota Sector 4 4 TuntutanNegligent homicide negligent bodily harm and negligent destruction 5 Referensi sunting Incendiu Club Colectiv Este NEVOIE DE SANGE Unde puteţi dona chiar acum Observator tv 31 Oktober 2015 Locul tragediei de vineri noaptea clubul Colectiv din Bucuresti strada Tabacarilor HotNews ro 30 October 2015 Narcis Rosioru TRAGEDIA DIN COLECTIV Incă un tanăr a decedat la cateva luni de la incendiu Mediafax Teks date14 March 2016 akan diabaikan bantuan Cătălin Lupăsteanu 7 November 2015 Cristian Popescu Piedone si două angajate de la Primăria Sector 4 ARESTAŢI Fostul primar si a asumat funcţionarea Colectiv in condiţii de nesiguranţă publică referat DNA Mediafax Ancheta dupa incendiul de la Colectiv Martori bandajati audiati la Politie Se verifica daca personalul era angajat legal Diakses tanggal 1 November 2015 Bilantul tragediei din Colectiv 57 de morti Iubitul tinerei care a murit joi Imi va lipsi fiecare particica din tine Stirile Pro TV 19 November 2015 Bilanțul negru de la Colectiv 58 de morți Ultima victimă a incetat din viaţă vineri Realitatea net 20 November 2015 Bilantul tragediei din Colectiv a ajuns la 61 de morti Povestea Ioanei o tanara psiholog care s a stins in Germania stirileprotv ro Diakses tanggal 2015 12 14 Andrei Luca Popescu 13 November 2015 Două săptămani de la tragedia care a schimbat Romania 55 de morţi Cine si unde a gresit in criza de la Colectiv Gandul Bucharest nightclub fire Several people still critical Deutsche Welle 31 October 2015 27 dead dozens injured in Bucharest club explosion RT 30 October 2015 Bucharest explosion 27 killed 180 hospitalized at Goodbye to Gravity concert mishap Breitbart 30 October 2015 Porojnicu Calin Inca doua persoane aflate in stare critica au decedat la Spitalul Floreasca Bilantul tragediei de la Colectiv a ajuns la 53 de morti Hotnews ro A Florea Diakses tanggal 12 November 2015 Cronologia exploziilor soldate cu victime multiple in Romania Agerpres 31 October 2015 Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015 11 17 Diakses tanggal 2016 03 15 Alison Mutler 31 Oktober 2015 3 Days of Mourning for 27 Dead in Bucharest Nightclub Fire ABC News Tom Parfitt 31 Otober 2015 Halloween Horror at nightclub Fire kills 26 and injures hundreds at rock gig in Bucharest Express Periksa nilai tanggal di date bantuan Cea mai mare tragedie din Bucuresti Incendiu in clubul Colectiv 27 de morti cel putin 162 de raniti Parchetul a deschis ancheta Numere de urgenta pentru rudele victimelor HotNews ro 30 Oktober 2015 Pranala luar sunting nbsp Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Colectiv nightclub fire nbsp Wikinews bahasa Inggris memberitakan Romanian nightclub fire kills over two dozen Timeline of Club Colectiv fire and aftermath Diarsipkan 2015 12 01 di Wayback Machine Graphics of the outbreak of Club Colectiv fire Images from inside the club after fire Diarsipkan 2015 12 08 di Wayback Machine Official website of Club Colectiv Video depicting interior of the club during the fire List of victims Bucharest Colectiv nightclub Location of the 2015 deadly fire Microsoft Photosynth Diarsipkan 2015 12 08 di Wayback Machine Candles and wreaths at Club Colectiv Microsoft Photosynth Diarsipkan 2015 12 08 di Wayback Machine Diperoleh dari https id wikipedia org w index php title Kebakaran klub malam Colectiv amp oldid 23704300